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Track Social Media ROI (1)

6 Ways to Track Social Media Engagement One cannot help feeling that improvement regarding attribution has ever reached its final …

SEO tracking is a process by which you need to figure out the most important SEO metrics for your business …

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is the use of social media platforms that connect the audience to build their own brands, increase …

In the quest to build a solid, profitable and sustainable business, companies tend to fall into two camps: they skimp …

Google has been making changes in its algorithm to churn out the best content. In the same series, Google has …

WHAT IS SEO? SEO also called, Search Engine Optimization, is a method of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic …

Sales VS Marketing

If the structure of some businesses is anything to go by, you could be forgiven for thinking that sales and …

Many businesses and brands have been eager to jump onto the social media bandwagon as a way to increase their …

Search Engine Optimization i.e. SEO is the most common and integral part of the Digital Marketing strategy of all businesses …

Yes, LinkedIn is truly what you may call a gold mine for engagement. Perhaps you have heard many people mention …

Marketing has always been about communicating with the right audience at the right time. In today’s world, this means that …

Instagram has always been the Gold Mine for SMM (Social Media Marketing). Instagram Reels is a new feature recently added …

Social media user base is on the rise. Statistics suggest that in 2020, there were 3.60 billion social media users …

Your brand is not limited to your logo. There exists a subconscious association of brands with their signature quality. Therefore …

Finding Pepsi to your Coke; what that means? We all know Pepsi and Coke are the two topmost cold drink …