Five #Myths About Social Media Marketing

Many businesses and brands have been eager to jump onto the social media bandwagon as a way to increase their online visibility and even boost sales.

Though social media marketing and advertising might seem as simple as writing a catchy tweet or posting funny videos, businesses beware– not taking social media seriously could actually damage your internet marketing. In fact, in the last two years, the vast majority of brands’ social media campaigns have failed.

To avoid following the path of those less-fortunate businesses, you’ll need to know social marketing facts from fiction. Here are five common social media myths that could ruin your campaign:


Myth #1: Any Social Media is Good Social Media

False. Attempting to perform social media marketing without developing a specific strategy will not be effective. Setting up an account before you’re ready can make the brand seem unprofessional and even untrustworthy.

If your company dives in and begins over-posting advertorial content, you may find that people avoid following your page. To overcome the temptation to just wing your social campaigns, try establishing three to five specific and attainable goals you want to achieve with your Facebook, Instagram, or other social accounts.


Myth #2: All Platforms Are Created Equally

False. Each platform has a specific style, audience, and content expectations. Simply posting duplicate content across all of your company accounts will appear spammy and poorly executed. Similarly, different platforms appeal to different types of customers. Consider which platforms make the most sense with your products or services.

Finally, don’t try to run as many accounts as possible across every platform you can think of. Choosing one or two accounts and managing them carefully is generally more effective than opening accounts on five or six platforms that are poorly maintained.


Myth #3: Increasing Followers is the Biggest Priority

False. As with most endeavors, the quality of followers and interactions matters more than the number of followers you can acquire. Though a high number of followers looks good, having an interested audience is even better. Try to think about what specifically interests your audience members to increase engagement and excitement for your product.


Myth #4: You Can Post at Any Time

False. Though you technically can post whenever you please, certain times of day are more effective than others. Adding photos or events on a random schedule might bury your content on a busy news feed, or be missed by followers who put away their phone for dinner or work.

For the best posting schedule, do research. Use tools like Google analytics and past research to see when audiences like yours are most likely to be surfing social media and your website.


Myth #5: Social Media will Save My Company

False. Though social media can be a great way to promote your business, it is surprisingly complicated and difficult to master as a marketing platform. If you’re struggling with social media campaigning, try reaching out to a digital marketing agency. Agencies employ digital experts who can analyze your strategies and offer viable solutions to boost your visibility and help your brand stay relevant.

Social media marketing works best in conjunction with other digital campaigns, including SEO, PPC, and email marketing efforts. By utilizing a marketing service, you can coordinate all of your online efforts for your most successful digital campaign yet.

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